Friday, May 31, 2019
A LAiterary Review Of The Dead Poets Society :: essays research papers
Literary Review of Dead Poets SocietyOne of the 20th centuries most compelling and outgo films goes by the title Dead Poets Society. This film is set at the Helton Academy for Boys in 1959. The movie focuses in on a sm either in all group of boys. They behave been sent to this preparatory school, most against their will, and have been forced to conform. However, they come across an English professor, Mr. Keating, whose lesson plan contradicts the entire schools mentality. He taught that to conform was to die. Carpe Diem seize the day. He taught the boys to frame in to the beat of their own drummer, to suck the marrow out of life, but above all neer conform. They didnt. The students reformed the Dead Poets Society. For this they were punished. None of the boys suffered from their nonconformity much than their leader Neil. He joined a play without his fathers consent. His father told him that he would be going to a military school and would never be in the theatre again. Thus, Neil felt he would rather die. Hence, he committed suicide. As Mr. Keating left the boys all stood and addressed him one last date as O captain. My captain. This movie is perhaps one of the greatest movies of all time.I view this as one of the few truly great movies of all time. I say this because it carries all of the basic cinematic elements that compose a great film. These elements begin with the characters. You can hardly expect to enjoy a movie if the characters are not believable. In this particular movie the characters were not only believable but you could identify yourself a little in one or all of the characters. One thing that can have an unfortunate detraction from redden a good movie is anachronisms. The only one I constitute was a halogen bulb in a light fixture. However, I doubt anyone would notice were they not looking for one. This movie can be enjoyed by even the most mentally devoid of audiences. The reason for this is that most people do not like being bossed around or forced to do anything. It did bushel me think about how little freedom we actually have in life and how we all need to live just a little procedure more.After considering the aforementioned traits of Dead Poets Society, one can only wonder why someone would argue that this was not one of the greatest movies of all time.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Far from the madding crowdââ¬â¢ is set in the late 1860s to the early 1870s :: Free Essay Writer
cold from the madding crowd is regulate in the late 1860s to the early 1870s in Wessex, a fictional county establish heavily on Dorset. Far From The Madding CrowdThomas hardy was born in 1840 in Dorset which is located nearDorchester. Hardys first important novel was Far from the MaddingCrowd in which he successfully adapted to a traditional form to hisown purposes, slightly changing it in the process. His novel statesthe importance of mans confederation to, and understanding of, thenatural world. The story is set in an agricultural homespun community. Heviewed the industrial revolution as a major threat to the communitieshe loved. The main character in this novel is a shepherd who is calledGabriel, this gives off a very pastoral mood in the novel. The plotdevelops complications when Bathsheba has love for deuce-ace differentmen. Gabriel Oak who is the shepphard embodies Hardys ideal of a lifein harmony with the forces of the natural world. Throughout the entirenovel there are u nusual twists and turns and in the end Bathshebaultimately marries Gabriel, whom she had turned away so long ago. Inthe story of all Thomas Hardys novels, both love and condemn play majorroles.In the first chapter we are introduced to Gabriel oak. He is a youngsheppard. The main incident starts when Gabriel is walking in thecountryside and he sees a waggon travelling down the road, and seesthis young attractive woman is sitting on top if it. The Waggonercomes to a halt when they reached the gatekeeper and they had to pay a gift of three pence but the woman refused and only offered two pence.Gabriel stepped forward and paid the gatekeeper the rest of the feeand he insisted to let the women pass.Far from the madding crowd is set in the late 1860s to the early1870s in Wessex, a fictional county based heavily on Dorset. Thevillage where Gabriel oak lives is in a small rural community. Many tidy sum such as Oak liked to hold onto their traditional views andvalues. Nowadays many of thes e views would be considered conservativeand possibly outdated. Oak cosmos a Shepard is very significant becauseit links back to the bible, so there are a lot of religious andbiblical references in this novel. Most people went to church onSunday. Church was very important. We learn that Gabriel Oak goes tochurch but doesnt take it seriously. Hardy uses rural dialect tobring the child characters to life, this gives them some personality.Higgling matter. Even though it is a winters day it is described as
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Ray Carvers collection Where Im Calling From :: Ray Carver Essays
Ray Carvers order of battle Where Im Calling FromAfter reading more than a dozen of Ray Carvers short stories from his collection Where Im Calling From, I have to ask the question, Where was Carver calling from? On the surface, his stories face very simple. They are close people with average jobs such as hotel managers, waitresses, salesmen, and secretaries, who live unsophisticated, mediocre lives. Below the surface, however, there is always more to be discovered if the reader is willing to put forth a little morsel of effort. Carver obviously put a lot of thought into his stories. The least that we, as readers, can do is scratch the surface a little, or repair yet, dig deep into his words to see what he is really trying to say to us. This is a task that is easier said than done.One story that does not seem quite as difficult as some others to interpret is Theyre Not Your Husband. Carver actually tells us quite a bit about Earl and Doreen if, once again, we are willing to look for the hidden clues. Earl is a salesman who is currently unemployed. He is looking for work, and he does find a sales job, but not a paying one. When he overhears two of his wifes customers commenting on her fat ass (Magee), and saying, Some jokers like their quim fat (Carver 45), Earl realizes who his next sales saving will be aimed at. Not wanting to be considered a joker, he decides to sell Doreen on the idea of losing weight (Magee).Using his sales tactics, Earl cautiously presents his reaping to Doreen. At first she is surprised because he has never brought up her weight before, but Earl is able to convince her that she should go on a diet without upset her. All right, she said. Ill try. For a few days Ill give it a try. Youve convinced me (Carver 47). After hearing this, Earl replies, Im a juxtaposed (Carver 47). Earl feels that he has successfully closed the deal but if we keep digging, we see something more. John Magee, in his article on Theyre Not Your Husband for The Explicator, says, miss the c from closerand loser emerges, which is what Earl is (2). Earl is a loser because he thinks that the way his wife looks says something about him. He hopes that if he can successfully help Doreen begin to look better, he may start to feel better about himself.
Pro Legalization of Euthanasia Essay -- Argument for Euthanasia
I am poured out like water,and all my castanets are out of joint,my heart is like wax, it is melted indoors my breast,my mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws, you lay me in the stud of death(Psalm 22)Some might say euthanasia is wrong, it is murder, it is an beastly stand for. But is it not inhumane to see another persons unbearable suffering and not release them when they long to be released? Is it not venomous to watch a person in a vegetative state, with no brainwaves showing, fed by a machine, brea function with the help of a machine and not let them be liberated from their pain? Prolonging ones suffering when an easier, more easy way out is possible is not the right thing to do. Giving the person the choice of release is. euthanasia is.What is euthanasia? The basic interpretation of euthanasia is the practice of ending a life so as to release an individual from a painful, incurable disease or intolerable suffering. thither are s aid to be two types of euthanasia inactive and active. Passive euthanasia is stopping (or not starting) some treatment which allows a person to die, the persons go over causes his or her death (Mackinnon, 12). An example would be withdrawing a gasmask or feeding tube (Landau, 80). Passive euthanasia is a brutal death. Allowing someone to hunger to death and die of thirst, the way we do now, is barbaric. Thats what the Nazis did in the concentration camps (quoted in Manipulating Life, 33).Active euthanasia on the other hand is an act of merciful killing. It is defined as The act of administering a lethal drug, or using other means that cause a persons death in case of incurable terminal illness (MacKinnon, 126). Euthanasia is... ...hical Choices in an American Hospital, spic-and-span York Oxford University Press, 1991.Landau, Elaine, The Right to Die, Franklin Watts, USA, 1988MacKinnon, Barbara. Euthanasia, Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues, second edition. Wadworth Publishing Co 1998.McCuen, Gary E., Manipulating life debating the genetic Revolution Gary E. McCuen Publication, Inc, 1985Report of the Board of Trustees of the American Medical Association. (Transcript), v10, Issues in Law & Medicine, summer, 1994, p 81-90Thomas A. Shannon, Bioethics basic writing on the line ethical questions that surround the major, modern biological possibilities and problems, Third Edition, New Jersey, 1987Varga, Andrew C. The Main Issues in Bioethics. Paulist Press, 1980Hollard, Ninnet B. Controversy Shall It Be Legal? Pro Legalization of Euthanasia Essay -- Argument for EuthanasiaI am poured out like water,and all my bones are out of joint,my heart is like wax, it is melted within my breast,my mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws, you lay me in the dust of death(Psalm 22)Some might say euthanasia is wrong, it is murder, it is an inhumane act. Bu t is it not inhumane to see another persons unbearable suffering and not release them when they long to be released? Is it not cruel to watch a person in a vegetative state, with no brainwaves showing, fed by a machine, breathing with the help of a machine and not let them be liberated from their pain? Prolonging ones suffering when an easier, more painless way out is possible is not the right thing to do. Giving the person the choice of release is. Euthanasia is.What is euthanasia? The basic definition of euthanasia is the practice of ending a life so as to release an individual from a painful, incurable disease or intolerable suffering. There are said to be two types of euthanasia passive and active. Passive euthanasia is stopping (or not starting) some treatment which allows a person to die, the persons condition causes his or her death (Mackinnon, 12). An example would be withdrawing a respirator or feeding tube (Landau, 80). Passive euthanasia is a brutal death. Allowi ng someone to starve to death and die of thirst, the way we do now, is barbaric. Thats what the Nazis did in the concentration camps (quoted in Manipulating Life, 33).Active euthanasia on the other hand is an act of merciful killing. It is defined as The act of administering a lethal drug, or using other means that cause a persons death in case of incurable terminal illness (MacKinnon, 126). Euthanasia is... ...hical Choices in an American Hospital, New York Oxford University Press, 1991.Landau, Elaine, The Right to Die, Franklin Watts, USA, 1988MacKinnon, Barbara. Euthanasia, Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues, second edition. Wadworth Publishing Co 1998.McCuen, Gary E., Manipulating life debating the genetic Revolution Gary E. McCuen Publication, Inc, 1985Report of the Board of Trustees of the American Medical Association. (Transcript), v10, Issues in Law & Medicine, summer, 1994, p 81-90Thomas A. Shannon, Bioethics basic writing on the key ethical questions that surround t he major, modern biological possibilities and problems, Third Edition, New Jersey, 1987Varga, Andrew C. The Main Issues in Bioethics. Paulist Press, 1980Hollard, Ninnet B. Controversy Shall It Be Legal?
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
Part A Describe protein structure, the level of structure and geometry. Include in a description of the significance of structure and how it affects to analysis.Protein Structure LevelsThere are four levels of protein structure which are separated from one another by the degree of branch in the polypeptide chain. A protein molecule can consist of one or more of the protein structure types.1- ) Primary Structure is the sequence of a chain of amino acids. Proteins are organize from 20 different amino acids. Amino acid are composed of a carbon ( carbon) that bond to the hydrogen atom (H), a carboxyl group (-COOH), an amino group (-NH2) and a vari up to(p) group, or R group. The primary structure is understandd during translation. There are two tools uses to determine the primary structure Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. Primary structure controls the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. It is also used to determine the molecular mass and isoelectric point. 2- )Se condary Structure describes the turn or folding of a protein due to exclusive hydrogen bonding between its backbone amide and carbonyl groups. These secondary structures are held together by hydrogen bonds.There are three types of secondary structures in proteins.a-) Alpha helix (-helix) is a spiral arrangement around polypeptide backbone. The inner part of the coil is formed by the backbone of the peptide while the side chains extend outward from the coil. Hydrogen bonds between N-H of one amino acid and the C=O on the 4th amino acid stabilize the helix. b-) Beta pleated the beta sheet involves H bonding between the backbone residues in adjacent chains. The orientation of a beta pleated sheet can occur in two types. The strands may be paralle... ...Da) than grw175 (28 kDa) proving that the above observation is true. b-) Molecular mass of the XD2788 gene ware = 56 kDa1.)Loaded the image of the gel into ImageJ2.)Labeled the MW ladder lane then other lanes of interest (lane 2 grw1 75, lane 3 grw19)3.)A graphical record representation was then generated4.)I selected the peaks of MW lane to be used in the molwt.macros program5.)Based on the calculations that were generated using the molwt macros program I was then able to select the peaks of interest and compute a numerical value for them6.)ImageJ indicated a peak of 56kda for grw19 positive and a 28kda value in grw175 positive. 7.)Using the numerical set I was able to subtract the grw175 estimated size of 28kda from the size of what is believed to be the fusion protein grw19 56kda8.)Grw175 = 28kda fusion protein 56kda to give you a value of = 28kda
Essay --
Part A Describe protein complex body part, the level of structure and geometry. Include in a description of the consequence of structure and how it affects to analysis.Protein Structure LevelsThere ar four levels of protein structure which are separated from one another by the degree of complication in the polypeptide chain. A protein molecule can consist of one or more of the protein structure types.1- ) Primary Structure is the sequence of a chain of aminic acids. Proteins are organise from 20 different amino acids. Amino acid are composed of a carbon ( carbon) that bond to the hydrogen atom (H), a carboxyl group (-COOH), an amino group (-NH2) and a vari satisfactory group, or R group. The primary structure is determined during translation. There are two tools uses to determine the primary structure Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. Primary structure controls the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. It is also used to determine the molecular mass and isoelect ric point. 2- )Secondary Structure describes the coiling or flock of a protein due to exclusive hydrogen bonding between its guts amide and carbonyl groups. These secondary structures are held together by hydrogen bonds.There are three types of secondary structures in proteins.a-) Alpha helix (-helix) is a spiral arrangement around polypeptide backbone. The inner part of the coil is formed by the backbone of the peptide while the side chains extend outward from the coil. Hydrogen bonds between N-H of one amino acid and the C=O on the 4th amino acid stabilize the helix. b-) Beta pleated the beta tack involves H bonding between the backbone residues in adjacent chains. The orientation of a beta pleated sheet can occur in two types. The strands may be paralle... ...Da) than grw175 (28 kDa) proving that the above observation is true. b-) Molecular mass of the XD2788 gene product = 56 kDa1.) potent the image of the gel into ImageJ2.)Labeled the MW ladder lane therefore other lanes of pertain (lane 2 grw175, lane 3 grw19)3.)A graph representation was then generated4.)I selected the peaks of MW lane to be used in the molwt.macros program5.)Based on the calculations that were generated using the molwt macros program I was then able to select the peaks of interest and compute a numerical value for them6.)ImageJ indicated a peak of 56kda for grw19 positive and a 28kda value in grw175 positive. 7.)Using the numerical values I was able to subtract the grw175 estimated size of 28kda from the size of what is believed to be the fusion protein grw19 56kda8.)Grw175 = 28kda fusion protein 56kda to give you a value of = 28kda
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